A cash loan is a loan that provides consumers with the cash they need to repay a debt, cover an unexpected expense, or tide them over until their next payday. If you are in serious need of cash, you have several loan options available to you. Before choosing a cash loan, it is important to fully understand your option and select a loan that meets your individual needs.
Five Types of Cash Loans:
- Credit Card Advance: If you have a credit card and available credit, you might be able to get a cash advance directly from your credit card company. Many credit cards allow cardholders to withdraw cash either from an ATM or by using a convenience check issued by the credit card company. If you need cash immediately, this can be a very beneficial option. However, you should be aware that credit card advances are often subject to higher interest rates that regular purchases.
Five Types of Cash Loans:
- Credit Card Advance: If you have a credit card and available credit, you might be able to get a cash advance directly from your credit card company. Many credit cards allow cardholders to withdraw cash either from an ATM or by using a convenience check issued by the credit card company. If you need cash immediately, this can be a very beneficial option. However, you should be aware that credit card advances are often subject to higher interest rates that regular purchases.
- Home Equity Loan: A home equity loan is a cash loan borrowed against a consumer's home equity. To qualify for a home equity loan, you must own a home, have a substantial amount of equity in your home, and meet your lender's credit and income requirements. The advantage of choosing a home equity loan, instead of a credit card advance, is that these loans carry lower interest rates and allow consumers to borrower larger amounts.
- Home Equity Line: A home equity line is a revolving line of credit that allows consumers to borrow against their home equity. Your credit limit will be based on your credit score, home equity and ability to pay. The benefit of an equity line is that it remains open and allows borrowers to withdraw cash when necessary. The downside is that consumers must have a decent credit score and enough equity in their home to qualify. Since these loans can take some time to approve, a home equity line might not be your best option if you need cash immediately.
- Unsecured Personal Loan: An unsecured personal loan, or signature loan, is a cash loan given by a bank or credit union. Because these loans are unsecured, consumers are generally forced to meet strict credit requirements. Still, when compared to credit card advances or payday loans, personal loans are usually more affordable.
- Payday loan: A payday loan is an unsecured, short-term loan that usually must be repaid by on the borrower's next payday. These loans are given based on income alone, which means that borrowers do not submit to a credit check. Since consumers can apply online and receive their cash within 24 hours or less, these loans are very convenient. Unfortunately, they are also expensive. To get a payday loan, expect to pay a fee per every $100 borrowed. Due to their high price, consumers are urged to use payday loans as a last resort.
With the variety of loans available, it is almost impossible not to find a cash loan that meets your needs. To choose the best loan, consider both the benefits and disadvantages of each loan type. This will help you choose a beneficial loan that benefits you both immediately as well as in the future.
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